What’s Better Marketing?
If you need to gather attention for a great product, Better Marketing is for you. Our goal is to help you become the kind of marketer the world desperately needs: the kind that can deliver and deliver the right way.
Since May 2019, we’ve covered every aspect of what it means to be that marketer and have grown to 100,000 followers and over 1,000,000 monthly views as a result.
Every day, we publish stories ranging from fundamentals to tips, from strategies to tactics, from how-tos to philosophy.
We bring you case studies from people succeeding in your niche. We give you word-for-word templates and actionable scripts. We cover the latest trends and time-tested, evergreen principles. We supply you with long-term vision, creative ideas, and the tools to execute them today.
Why subscribe?
By now, Better Marketing receives over 1,000 submissions each month. That’s why we have an extensive style guide on best practices and how to successfully pitch us:
However, the rules keep changing, and so through this author newsletter, we’ll help you stay in the loop on how to best share your great work with our audience.
We’ll also use this platform to inform you of new column and collection opportunities, new tools we’re building, and more!
If you want to write for us - or are doing so already - this newsletter will tell you everything you need to know.